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Baj Freight & Logistics has held a ceremony to honour six long serving employees. They were Rebecca Amemakalor, Kelvin Korsah, Albert Collison, Jonathan Awuah, Prince Biney and Daniel Annancy. Each employee was presented with a brand new Mitsubishi attrage vehicle.

Five other employees were also awareded with vehicles due to the mission critical nature of their work coupled with their dedication and consistency. They were Ato Dadzie, Bright Nyantekyi, Michael Yeboah, Richard Ababio and Ebo Biney.

The following citation was read to to the beneficiaries by Mr. Joe Biney, the Chief Executive Officer of Baj Freight and Logistics Limited.

“This day marks a very important and significant day for Baj and in your career.
It is the day that management has set aside to recognize your hard and devoted services. Your efforts and sacrifices, as displayed at Sheik Lines and continue to manifest in your career at Baj has been a bedrock on which Ba Freight is chalking successes with both local and international recognition.

Please accept this token of our appreciation for your devotion and long service.
We trust that the same God that gave you the strength, good health, knowledge to survive all challenges, will see you through another milestone in your career with Baj Fright.